Fumigant: "In the Scottish highlands, tips of Scotsbroom were burned to use as fumigants for unspecified purposes.".Hair Rinse: "flowers used in hair rinses for their lightening and brightening effect".Essential Oil: "From the flowers, it is used in perfumery.".Tannin: "The bark is a good source of tannin.They are also sometimes used for thatching roofs and as substitutes for reeds in making fences or screens." Branches: "Used to make baskets, brushes, brooms and besoms.A green dye is obtained from the leaves and young tops." A yellow dye is obtained from the flowering stem. Dye: "A yellow and a brown dye are obtained from the bark.

Fibre not as strong as the fibre from the Spanish broom ( Spartium junceum)." Properties: "The paper is pale tan in colour.The fibres are cooked for 3 hours in lye then put in a ball mill for 3 hours." Preparation: "The branches are harvested in late summer or autumn, the leaves removed and the stems steamed until the fibres can be stripped.Stem: "The fibrous stems were used to make cloth.An excellent fibre is obtained from the bark, it is used in the manufacture of paper, cloth and nets." Bark: "The bark fibre is used to make paper, it is 2 - 9mm long.Root: "The fibre is obtained from the root according to other reports.".Tops: "The tender green tops of the plant have been used like hops to give a bitter flavour to beer and to render it more intoxicating.".Seeds: "The roasted seed is a coffee substitute.".Some caution is advised, see the notes above on toxicity." Flower Buds: "Pickled and used as a substitute for capers.In overdose, it weakens the heart, lowers blood pressure, and depresses the system, somewhat like hemlock in its actions." "Too large a dose is unpleasant, as it creates almost the opposite effects of more moderate doses.Broom contains ".several toxic alkaloids that can depress the heart and nervous system." No adverse side effects have been reported when the plant is properly prepared and smoked Health risks or side effects following the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not recorded.Drug Interactions: "Use of Scotch Broom herb with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (amine content) may cause a hypertensive crisis.".

"MAO inhibitors lead to sudden blood pressure changes" Children younger than 18 years of age should avoid use due to potentially life-threatening toxicity. Broom tops are contraindicated in patients with high blood pressure.